Chapter 881: Two powerful being.

Chapter 881: Two Powerful Beings.

"What's your name?" Shiva asked.

"God of Destruction…" The Elder God with a grotesque appearance that seemed to come straight out of a horror movie, spoke with an emotionless tone of voice that intimidated all those with weak hearts.

Unfortunately, the man in front of this Elder God was not a weak-hearted Being, and his appearance did not provoke anything in Shiva.

"Why do you want to know my name?"

"So when I destroy you, at least one person will remember you."

The Elder God's eyes shone, and in the next moment, a gigantic blast of Fire shot out of his mouth towards Shiva.

Shiva raised his eyebrow: "Well, that was rude." He flexed his Power a little, and the Energy of Destruction expanded around him, destroying the Fire and reducing it to nothingness.

"My name is Nur, The God of The Elements."

"Mm, your name will be remembered by me." Shiva nodded in a bored manner.