Chapter 903: The 'Devil'. 2

Chapter 903: The 'Devil'. 2

"... This just got even more complicated, Mother," Emily muttered, and Evie couldn't help but agree.

This place had caught the attention of one of The Kings of Hell, and everyone knew that nothing good came from dealing with those Beings.

Evie thought about Victor's words, saying that when she needed him the most, she would summon 'The Devil.'

Evie hated knowing that Victor's premonition could become a reality. Currently, Evie felt that for Witches, there was no Faction that would make a 'fair' deal with them other than Victor's.

But Evie couldn't trust this 'feeling.'

"Mother, what should we do?"

"I will visit them personally."

"... But-" The girls wanted to retort, saying it was dangerous, but they were interrupted by Evie.

"We are dealing with Merlin."

Silence fell in the room.