Chapter 916: An experienced woman.

Chapter 916: An experienced woman.

"Darling, as always, is breaking common sense." Violet laughed lightly as she looked at the latest news posted by Victor's ladies from hell.

"He created a Progenitor… And not just any Progenitor, he created something never seen before that has the Essence of both sides of the scale…" Agnes sighed at the end. "I'm not even surprised anymore."

"You really shouldn't be, Mother... After all, Darling is The Dragon God of Chaos. His ability goes far beyond that."

"And how do you know that?" Agnes asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know."

"Then how can you speak so confidently about something you don't know?"

Violet smiled: "Because I know."

Veins bulged on Agnes' head.

Violet, seeing this, smiled a little tensely. She knew very well that Agnes was just a hair away from exploding due to her behavior.