Chapter 933: A Just God.

Chapter 933: A Just God.

A man with nine tails slowly opened his groggy eyes. "... What...? What's happening...?"

"Hey, you, you're finally awake."

The nine-tailed man, clearly a Youkai, quickly jumped up from the ground and assumed a defensive stance. As he did so, he noticed a group of people.

A well-dressed man, a woman with short blonde hair, a tall man who clearly smelled like a Vampire, and another blonde man who also smelled like a Vampire, but unlike the tall man, this man appeared to be a Noble Vampire.

"What's your name, stranger?" The same well-dressed man asked in a monotone voice.

"Why should I tell you...?"

"Because if you're here, it means you're somehow connected to Victor Alucard."

"And when I say connected, I mean you've done harm to someone close to him."

The nine-tailed Youkai shivered when he heard the man's words.

"Hmm, seeing that you're not saying anything, we'll introduce ourselves first."