Chapter 961: The Traitors.

Chapter 961: The Traitors.

"Two egocentrics who think they're above everyone else, you and Zeus have a lot in common. It seems that not even a God who sacrificed his eye for wisdom is exempt from the poison called arrogance," Hela spoke with disdain as she looked at the old man without arms and legs lying on the ground. The famous spear Gungnir was broken next to Odin, and golden blood was dripping from his limbs.

Even with so much damage, Odin would not die; do not underestimate the resilience of a God-King.

"Well, I thank you, Odin. Thanks to this arrogance, planning your downfall was even easier."

"You wanted to avoid Ragnarok as predicted in the prophecy, but in trying to avoid it, you ended up setting it in motion."

"How ironic, isn't it? That's why you shouldn't trust prophecies." She scoffed in disdain.