Chapter 972: Closed Negotiations.

Chapter 972: Closed Negotiations.

The silence that fell in the meeting room was deafening. Shiva, The God of Destruction, stared at Hela, the Norse Goddess of The Underworld, with a very serious look, a look that very few people have seen.

Even Indra himself was surprised by this facet of Shiva that he didn't know existed.

The only ones seemingly unconcerned with all this were Victor, Violet, Amaterasu, and Haruna. The four formed a small group in the corner, watching everything while eating popcorn and drinking soda.

It wasn't a very dignified appearance for an 'Emperor', but Victor didn't care. He never followed the stigmas that other Beings imposed on him and followed his own path. The same applied to Haruna, Violet, and recently Amaterasu joined the club.