Chapter 996: Daddy loves his daughters and spoils them so much. 2

Chapter 996: Daddy loves his daughters and spoils them so much. 2

'Dude, relax. Even in your subconscious, you're incorrigible.' The two spoke at the same time.


'Mine!' He growled even more.

'Fineee!' They both spoke simultaneously and huffed. Soon after, they returned to the topic.

'I propose you leave the decision to your Daughters and support whatever decision they make.' Suddenly, a voice appeared. The three turned and saw a rather angelic-looking Victor with white hair and Angel Wings.

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Remember our doctrine. Family always comes first, so we shouldn't restrict them too much. They should evolve in their own story, but we will always ensure to be their support. Just do the same thing you've been doing with your Wives so far, and everything will be fine."

"Basically being possessive and keeping an eye on them," his possessive side spoke.

"A middle ground. A balance, so to speak," Angel Victor nodded.