how we meet

Raj's pov

I am going to my college its my first day in this college in came in mid semester its not like that I am transfer from anywhere is just that I have to start my new business here and my dad let me come in this condition that i should complete my MBA like a normal student I really don't know why my dad wonts this but i have to only then I am able to get complete charge in my business .

so I come here with my ya my love like love in first sight my baby I don't go without her anywhere Lamborghini

ya my car.

truly I love three things most in the world first my patents they are best in the world they always support me whenever I need then and never force me do anything.

second our business ya its business I was 12 when my dad take me to our company and that very moment I know I want this like I born for this after that I dint find any thing more entrusting than business and I start working in company . form last two years I dint go in any vacation so my parents said that I have to live a normal life at least for one year only than I get full power of my business an dad wont interfere further

so I came in this city.

finally I reach my college its quit nice place I actually like it when I search about this college I dint think I would be this nice. its just a normal college because I don't want ant fancy college I want to concentrate in my business . so for one year I just have to take admission and don't have to attend all class.

I already cross college gate T. C .S college there is 1 km long way to reach college building after crossing the gate there are three both side of rode. after long path there is a building in center. I park my car right side the building .

I move in side the building I here that its college fest going on truly I am not interested any of I just have to complete admission formalities that's all..

I completed all the formalities i am thinking i should check my class so at least i explain little bit of it to my parents.

" hi " I said to boy ( he is wearing blue shirt and black pant or orange shoes ahh)

" hi " he reply.

" where is MBA section B" I ask

" 3rd flood " he said or left I think he is in harry.

I move towards stairs. I reach second floor which is almost empty know I am going towards third flood I reach third floor its a cube shape of space littlie far from stairs from which we clearly see first floor now I am going towards right side there is balcony type of place in right side …

there is a girls standing at the corner. her back facing me she is wearing White curti and blue pant her here is long black and very sunny I don't know why I am eager to see her face. so I move towards her I just want to see her face I don't know I feeling attractive towards her in my life I never feel this way.

when I reach there I saw her half face her here is coming in her face and blocking my view her face is moist i think she is crying I want to know why see is crying.. I dint like her seeing crying I move towards her and forward my handkerchief and said

" your not going to jump? right " what have I said ohh

see turn toward me I see her full face see is locking very beautiful and I ogling over her her curtiy have a cut from front exactly from her navel. her big Broun eye her eye is little puffy because of crying see dint apply any makeup only pink lip bam in her lips and her lips ooh. her little her touching her lips because of wind i want to eat her up.

" sorry "