Don't need pay

Sanjana pov

I am getting ready for college; I think every possible way to find money yesterday night. but I don't find anyway to payback him. yesterday he drops me in college without listening me, I also don't know what to say or not, so I dint force him I think maybe I'll get a reasonable solution.

not like my best friend who continuously thinking nonsense. I mean she even think of bank robbery and barging with her boys' friends. last night she watches almost all video about the theme of robbery.

" baby we only need black hoody, black bike, two mask and two gun "she literally said this to me.

" why we need everything in black, and from where you will find guns" I ask him rolling my eye on her.

" because all robbers wear black, I see many video " and still concentrated on YouTube " and I can steal my dad's gun" she said to me like thinking very important idea in serous mood.

" how about I kill you with my own bare hand " I said to her, like really, she wants to make us criminal.

" did killing me give you money " she ask with serious expressions.

" no but it definitely gives me peace of mind " I said throwing pillow on her. some time she annoys me so much.

after that we went to our room for sleep but truly sleep is far from my eye. what should I do how can I pay him.

I know Suhani can ask money from her dad, but she already doing so much for me I don't want to take more from her that maybe I cannot able to repay her in the future.


I am getting ready for college because I have early lecture its 8 am in the morning. i didn't see Suhani in the morning, she is not in her room.

" where did she go " i ask my own self. may be her dad house.

I reach college its 8'30am. I went to my class and took my usual seat its left front seat. with window in the corner. i don't talk with many people in the class. also don't like to sitting with anyone so its empty most of the time. I start on working on yesterday left out. I dint realize that when some buddy come and sit with me until he said.

" good morning baby girl " he said.

Raj pov

it's quite nice morning after one long week I able to do workout in gym. when I wakeup my mood is very good because of yesterday incident.

the only sad part of my day when I was not able to see her. but of course, very soon she will be with me every morning and every night, this thought is enough to give me Goosebumps by the way I am going college for early class.

first thing i want to do is see my girl but that is not possible of course I don't know anything about her not even her name so with sad heart I went to my class.

but my sadness faded as soon as I enter in the class I see her in my class. it means we are in same class I think god is also with me. she doing her work don't even to bother about her surrounding I sit next to her in empty desk. she dints notice me.

she looking like a morning ray, fresh and beautiful as always, her hair is open and coming both side of her shoulder and tugged behind her ear. she took a pen put her on her mouth, that fucking pen kissing her pink pouty lips, she is looking hell tempts I am getting jealous of that pen. she dints put any makeup but still looking very beautiful, she dints need any makeup to look beautiful for me she is the most beautiful girl in the world I can spend my whole life looking at her like that.

" morning baby girl " I wish her morning because its indeed a good morning.

she is look surprise or I can say shock to see me her eyebrow raise, but she composes herself soon. and dint say anything. as always, she royally ignores me like she even dint know me I about say something but teacher came into class.

truly I'm not at all entrusted what teacher is saying, so I start doing most important work which is stair my girl. but she is not looking at me fully concentered on lecture like its most important thing in the world but I want my girl attention. its sounds so childish but what can i do.

I took a paper and write something on it pass is to my girl.

Sanjana pov

he came and sit with me why he came in this class whatever he is looking very very charming like very handsome his eye the most adorable part of his body. his hair flickering on his forehead is looking very nice and clean.

he continuously staring me I can feel his gaze on me, I can just feel his gaze he is not at all entrusted in lecture he passes me a paper.

" are you ignoring me " he asks, what is he think about himself but off course i cant say this loud.

" are you following me " I ask. and pass paper to him, ignoring his question.

" what if i say yes! " one more paper, i did not say anything.

" no, new admission " he writes.

" okay " I said.

" meet me there, where we met first " he wrote.

" why " I ask.

" did you forget you have to pay me " he again wrote.

" okay " I write.

after class got over, I went to my place where we first met, thinking how to pay him. he is already sitting on railing he stand up seeing me.

" see I don't have money can you give me more time I promise I will give you after some time " I said all this in one go. Not giving chance to him say anything first.

" you don't need to pay " he pause I about to say something he again say " you don't need, let me complete what I have " he say.