past memory

Sanjana wakeups and found herself in her bad, look around and found its her room and start recall all the event of yesterday evening suddenly, check herself but did not find anything different she still in yesterday clothes but how, she thought.

yesterday is very exhausted to me Abhi had an accident, but he is okay now so i don't have to wary for him anymore, I just want to stay away from him as far as i can, I can't let him come into my life again, I just have to concentrate on study. so after graduation i will leave this country, and go far from all the past and bad memory, thought sanjana to herself.

but even after saying so much to herself she still didn't able to convince herself she wants to know about Abhi, how he is doing but she doesn't want to give him any hope that he can came to her life again, she doesn't want him to know that she still care for him and she went to see him.

she take shower and change into sorts and wear a t-shirt, which is..... Abhi a lone tear fell from eye remember how they fight for this t-shirt.


A girl is run to him, seeing him with paper bag, she took bag from his hand and open it. the girl was sanjana.

" nice na " the boy ask, he is abhi.

" yes but i think this one is small more like girls so can i take it " She said, but he pull all t-shirt from her hand. she looked at him with pleading eye.

" no i won't give you this " he said.

" see i just bear it inside my jacket so no one see it and then you can also bear it "she said trying best to reason with him..

" no " he said.

" you never give me anything " she said, begin angry.

" you are still bearing my t-shirt and you always do, this one is new so i want give you" he said.

she storm her legs. after that she took it from his cupboard without telling him. okay it's more like steal it.

flashback end

she look at mirror and change it another t-shirt she miss him so much and there daily banters. after changing her clothes she came out from her room.

she went to kitchen and drinking water and her eye fell in living room couch, she saw somebody sleeping in the couch but who she went near couch to see his face.

aww he is looking very handsome while sleeping, he is smiling in sleep and looking like cute baby. he is looking little uncomfortable in sleeping couch, looking at his cute appearance she don't want him to wake up, his small hair those are messy but very adorable. i didn't think Mr. annoying look more handsome in the morning. she thought to her self.

she is checking him out that, and didn't realize he open his eye. and he caught her checking him out suddenly water glass slip from sanjana hand.

" hey you okay " Raj ask being concern.

wait i think last time i was with Raj and i remember i didn't tell him my address, Sanjana thought to herself.

" yaah, what are you doing here " she ask him changing the subject.

" good morning " Raj said.

she look at him raising her eyebrow, showing this is not of her answer. and Raj new if he did not tell her she would we annoyed.

" you sleep in my car yesterday, then your phone ring it's your friend, i didn't want to disturb your sleep so i pickups your, she tell me to Bring you here she let us in " he explain.

" okay, but what are you doing here " she ask. he look at her with anger.

" which kind of person you are I put you in your bad safely, so that you can sleep soundly, and you didn't thank me, even i can forget about thank, who ask so many question in the morning " he said in stun tone " or by the way i was going back but you friend offer me drink and i was very tired so i fell asleep here" he completed rolling his eye on Sanjana.

he get up from couch and move to kitchen and drink water, he ignore her like its his home, he is behaving like its his home. Sanjana thought to herself.

" good morning " they both look at the direction where that sound came and its Suhani. she have her bag looks like she going somewhere, but Sanjana didn't ask anything.

" i am going to dad house for this week " Suhani said, looking at there curious eye.

" you don't have to " Sanjana said, she didn't meant to hurt her, it just she needed some time. Sanjana is angry on her, she didn't tell her anything she hide this from her.

" i am sorry ! i didn't want to hide that from you, i just don't know.... how to tell you " Suhani said.

" i don't want to talk about that " Sanjana said. she was angry yesterday but when she think about it it's not suhani fault she is not obligated to tell her everything.

" i know he is important to you but.... " Suhani try to say something but Sanjana interrupt her

" i don't want to talk about that " Sanjana said this time little louder.

" i am going for some time i will be back from Sunday..... and when i came back i don't want this attitude so take your time and think wisely okay " Suhani said. she knew her best friend she can't be angry on her for long time.

Suhani came to hug Sanjana, ishe also hug her,

" i love you " Suhani said kissing Sanjana cheek, Sanjana hug her again.

Suhani took her stuff move towards Raj.

" if i get to know to try to do anything to my friend, i will kill you " she said to him furmely.