Drunken head 2

Inside the car, Raj look at Sanjana who was still drunk and complaining god not what making cute pout, her hair which look little bit messy, disturbing her time to time. hearing her complain he just look at her with doting eye. in a front seat max look at the girl who is behaving like spoiled child making a fuss, saying bad man to his boss in every second sentence, but did not know what is boss done to the girl and why he is lesioning the her nonscece.

" your not a good friend " Sanjana said but this time her eye were little teary, looking her grievance appearance make Raj somehow felt guilty.

" oaky! i am sorry, i won't do that again " Raj said holding her hand not knowing wrong he had done, but looking at her grievance look he just felt guilty, his heart aching looking at her like this..

" no i won't give you sorry, and i won't talk to you " Sanjana said in childish tone which sounding very charming, hearing her voice Raj felt she is very cute.

" then what i have to do to get your sorry " he also said in childish town, feeling his world sounding ridiculous.

" you... you "Sanjana paush for some time, like she thinking about it very seriously" i will think about it and then tell "even after thinking for a while she did not came with any good idea.

" okay then you think about it, first drink some water " Raj said in doting tone giving her water bottle.

"hmm " Sanjana humed but still took and water and drink like an obedient child.

" have you had your dinner " Raj ask still in gentle tone.

"hmm" Sanjana humed again, Raj did not understand her answer was yes or no, just as he confused he hear Sanjana Stomach making sound. Sanjana instantly put her both hands to cover her stomach. she look at Raj with innocence eye and Red face. looking her Red face and head down the corner of his mouth twich and a small smile come on his lips. but he control his laughter not wanting her to make more angry.

The car stop in front of his house, Raj got out of his car and walk towards other side and open the door for Sanjana, but Sanjana did not intended to get out of the car, she just look at him with her amber color eye.

" come out baby" Raj said still looking at her.

" no "

"why " Raj ask.

" mom said don't go to Stanger house " Sanjana said with serious face, but her voice sounding tipsy.

" baby but i am not stanger, i am your friend didn't I " Raj ask with sweet smile, looking at him like that, talking with so much patience, max thought that Raj have multiple personality disorder, few hours a ago he was a Ruthless CEO but know he is like gentlemen both personality were totally different from each other, he did not know which one is real.

" but didn't you left me, you did not lock for me" she pause lift her sleeves a little there were scratch on it " see i get injured but you did not talk to me how can you be friend " Sanjana said to Raj with full of grievance in her voice, like a child complaining to her parents for not giving her enough attention.

looking at her hand with scratches Raj face darken, he realize how selfish he was, he only thought about himself from last one week he was jealous, that he forget about Sanjana totally, he nether go near her, neither try to contact her, he just shut himself from her, how can he be so irresponsible that he only think about himSelf, and if she did not call him on drunken state he might still shutting himself Raj balm himself inside his mind.

suddenly Raj bent down hold Sanjana hand look into her eye there was guilt in his eye

" i am sorry " but this time it is sincere one, because he knew he did make a mistake.

" Raj is such a bad friend, he did not look after his friend so Sanjana can beat Raj if she won't " Raj said seriously " but can Sanjana give Raj a one more chance, and this time Raj would not left his friend " Raj said.

"...... " Sanjana did not say anything for a long time, she just look at Raj even if she is drunk she can feel his sincerity.

Sanjana did not now what happened, and why Raj is ignoring her, did he get angry on her because on something, if it other person Sanjana would never let him get close to her, because of her past she always scared to get hurt and insecure about people around her, she did not wanted anyone to come into her life, but somehow she could not able to stop Raj for coming into her life, she did not wanted to, but she gets close to Raj and started expectation from him. he give her sense of belonging and security, which she is missing from her life from a long time. she thought she only Raj from some weeks so she would not get affected by him even if did not want to be her friend she would be okay. but she did not know how her feeling get deep for him, because when he ignore her she did not thought to much.

but when he suddenly stop coming college, she realize that he is affecting her so much, even if she did not want to she miss him, his presence and that think terrified her so much, she thought that her control, and his plans getting affected by him.

She said to herself not to think about him, but why did he stop coming in front of her suddenly scared her somehow. she did not understanding her own feeling. when by mistake she get drunk the mind was still thinking about Raj, that's why she call him without her knowing what she wanted.