The Hidden Kingdoms

The Hidden Kingdoms are located in a random places that the exact place is actually unknown.

But some places of the Hidden Kingdoms like the "Hidden Viezon Kingdom" and the "Hidden Weiroan Kingdom" has been located the exact place.

Father said, they find the Hidden Viezon Kingdom, somewhere in the Hurricane Forest.

The Hurricane Forest is located in the Audra Realm.Audra Realm is where a violent storm always stay, and the "Vento" user only can live in the Audra Realm,

[ A/N : Audra Realm is one of the realm in Xedrosea Kingdom. ]

But there's also a "Terra" user living in Audra Realm, but some of them are "Venrra" user inshort they're a mage who can both control Wind and Earth.

[A/N : "Vento" means "Wind" and "Terra" means "Earth".The "Venrra" user is a combination of "Vento" and "Terra" nor the Wind and Earth magic.]

If you're looking for Hurricane Forest, Father said that you need a map that you can only find in one place, that place is called "Tarakona Vun Mian Village".

"Tarakona Vun Mian Village" is an abandoned village in the another Kingdom, the Neorus Kingdom.

Neorus Kingdom, they usually called it the Kingdom Of Myths, because this Kingdom have many kinds of Myths.

Neorus Kingdom isn't that popular this year but about it's myths is still around the Xeorrado Empire.

"Tarakona Vun Mian Village" has been abandoned since the 31st of Imperial year 205 Spring Month,

The cause of the abandonment of the Village is when one of the high rank Demons from the underworld attacked the people of the "Tarakona Vun Mian Village".

That high rank demon named, Akugmarua.Akugmarua is one of the "Veleno di sete di sangue"

[A/N: The "Veleno di sete di sangue" in english is "Bloodlust Poison". They're one of the 5 high ranking demons in the underworld and their ranking is Elite 3.]

This high ranking group of Demons have an enormous amount of Mana.

But they're not the most powerful high ranking demons, the most powerful one is the Elite 1.

They're called "Le soleil levant des enfers". This demons are sealed in an unknown place, but they said they're sealed in a cage that none of any people can found easily.

[A/N: The "Le soleil levant des enfers" in english is "The Rising Sun Of The Underworld", they're the most powerful Elite ranking group in Underworld.]

An Archmage came to execute Akugmarua, the two of them started to fight until Akugmarua has been executed but before Akugmarua gone completely,

He cursed the Village and the one who summoned him to Crash all the Neorus Kingdom, then after that he gone completely without any trace of his body.

The Cursed started to activate and the Villagers of "Tarakona Vun Mian Village" are all gathered in a safe place, but some of them died inocently.

And this year, the "Tarakona Vun Mian Village" is nothing but an abandoned cursed Village.

No one lives in that Village anymore because, they said that if there's any people will go there

Those people will suffer there because the curse is still active and if there's any people put a one foot,

They will lose consciousness and If they gain consciousness they will suffer because of the curse.

The symptoms of the curse is :

Flu or cold symptoms

Tiredness and shortness of breath when exerting physical effort

Pale complexion from anemia

Signs of bleeding caused by a very low platelet count, including black and blue marks occurring for no reason or because of a minor injury; pinhead-sized spots appearing under the skin (petechiae); or prolonged bleeding from minor cuts

Slow healing of cuts

Discomfort in bones or joints

Coughing up blood.

They said the curse is called "Maledizione del sangue nero".

[A/N: "Maledizione del sangue nero" in english is "Black Blood Curse".]

They called it "Maledizione del sangue nero" because it will effects your health and it also may cause your death.

Most of the symptoms can be compared to leukemia, but it wasn't a leukemia.

There are 4 stages of the Black Blood Curse.

The 1st stage symptoms are vomiting a bit of red blood and flu or cold symptoms.

The 2nd stage symptoms are increased vomiting of red blood, have mild flu or cold and Tiredness and shortness of breath when exerting physical effort.

The 3rd stage symptoms are vomiting of black blood, have high flu or cold, Tiredness and shortness of breath when exerting physical effort and Pale complexion from anemia.

The 4th stage symptoms are increased vomiting of black blood, have high flu or cold, Tiredness and shortness of breath when exerting physical effort, Pale complexion from anemia, Signs of bleeding caused by a very low platelet count, including black and blue marks occurring for no reason or because of a minor injury; pinhead-sized spots appearing under the skin (petechiae); or prolonged bleeding from minor cuts, Slow healing of cuts and Discomfort in bones or joints.

I didn't see any cursed people in person but I know many myths about curses and I also know many people with curses,

And one of them is the most known cursed person and the person that have the most famous cursed is in the Algeriona Kingdom.

And that person is one, she is none other than the one and only Princess of the Algerion Kingdom.

Princess Irishiana Demeterhea Clementia Yuliriana Algeriona.