One Last Request

Lucas hesitated to knock on his grandmother's room. She must have heard the commotion and yet, she did not bother to stop him.

His grandmother, Alice Hao, was the head of the family. In her youth, she was the daughter of a renowned gold merchant but she married a man who was less in status than her. The whole society was shocked when she chose to elope with Jacob Lu but her father had tracked her down and brought them back to the city. Since they were already married, her father could not do anything. But he put forth a condition that Jacob must live as a househusband and their future children must take up the surname of 'Hao' because Alice was higher in status than him.

They lived a good life with their children until one day, Jacob died in a factory accident. Since then, Alice brought up the children on her own, trying to make them good human beings.

But to her dismay, her children were locked in a battle over her wealth and are using their own kids to further their interest. She was devastated by Lucas' choice to leave the family and join the mafia but she had to live with his decision. No matter how much she appealed to him, he would not budge.

"Lucas?" A weak voice came from within the room, startling him. He instantly opened the door to find his grandmother lying on the bed. Her usually neat white hair was wiry and messy. The color from her lips was gone, becoming dry and lifeless. Her once lively face was demure and hollow. The cancer had spread all over her body and she could barely move. She was wired to different machines. Even though the doctors told her to shift to a hospital, she kept on insisting that she wanted to stay home.

Upon seeing Lucas, a smile curved on her colorless lips.

"Lucas…" she whispered. Alice shakily raised her arm but Lucas stopped her.

"Don't," he said. "You'll only worsen your health if you move."

"As if I'll die this easily!" she claimed in a weak voice. "Nah. I don't want to die. I still have many things to do-"

She coughed a little. Lucas immediately grabbed a glass of water and using a spoon, fed her the water.

"You're a good kid," she sighed. "And yet, you had to join that accursed gang!"

"I own that gang now," he calmly said. "But is that why you summoned me here?"

Alice shook her head. "I know you'll never leave this life behind," she lamented. "That damn son of mine has screwed you up so bad that you'd rather live a life of crime than become his heir…"

Lucas did not reply to her but felt her trembling hand on his palm.

"I really wish your mother was alive," she whispered. "At least you would have had someone to hold on to. But she's not with us anymore and after me, you'll have no one left. What are you going to do then?"

"I'll be fine," Lucas shrugged. "I've lived alone so far, right? It won't make any difference even after you're gone."

"It won't be," Alice stated. "You'll keep on walking on this path of self destruction without living the life you want to. Why won't you tell us the reason behind all this? Why are you so adamant on becoming a monster?"

Lucas did not reply to her. Even he did not know why he kept on treading on this path. Was it to run away from his past? Or something else?

He no longer knew.

"Lucas…" Alice began. "Will you listen to this old woman's dying wish? Can you fulfill it? It'll be a lot to ask from you but it's the only thing I want and ask for. If you don't want to leave this life, don't. If that's what you want, I can't stop you…"

Her grasp tightened around his palm. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she begged her grandson for her wish.

"Get married," she begged. "Get a wife, someone whom you can love. It's a foolish dream but it's the only thing I'll ask of you. I don't want to see you alone anymore! Especially after I'm gone. I won't be able to face your mother in heaven if I leave you alone like this…"

"Grandma I-" Lucas said, about to refuse but his grandmother shook her head.

"If you don't get married and settle down then don't come to visit me anymore!" she threatened. "I can't die with a clean conscience but I won't face your mother knowing that I've failed her! Marry a nice girl and shower her with love. Perhaps, then you'll realize that there's more to life than your ego! If you can't do that, then don't come back!"

She was now crying harder which troubled even Lucas' cold heart. He sighed and patted her palm.

"Rest, grandma," he said in a quiet tone. "We'll talk later."

He slowly let go of her hand and stood up. Alice was heartbroken over his aloofness. Lucas was almost at the exit when she remarked, "I couldn't live in peace. At least let me die in peace, Lucas."

Lucas paused, listening to her. His hands were clenched into fists and he was debating whether to reply or not. But he thought better of it and left the room, leaving behind the sickly woman in her bed.


Lillian was in her room, staring at the tissue paper which the stranger had given her the other night. She did not know why she did not throw the portrait away. Her heart was beating fast upon seeing it.

The stranger had intricately drawn the details on her face as if treating a delicate object. Every stroke was done with unyielding passion which oozed out of the picture, reaching out to her. Her heart was beating erratically but she was no longer sure if it was fearful or awed.

She still recalled the way he touched her, burning her skin with the intense fire of his aura. His voice was still etched into her memory, almost like a soft whisper as if seducing her without even trying. There was something oddly familiar about that stranger but she could not remember where she might have met someone like him. It felt as if she had forgotten someone who was still out there, waiting for her.

That's silly! She told herself. How can that be possible?

"It's all my imagination," she decided. She tried to crumple up the paper but hesitated. Instead, she took out a diary from her drawer and kept the paper in it. Even if it was drawn by a stranger, she just did not have the heart to throw it away.

"It's not like I'll meet him again," she said out loud. That's right, she added in her thoughts. I won't meet him again. Then why…

Lillian massaged her head. She was having a headache and while it was not severe, it was irritating. A strange hollow feeling was also creeping into her heart, confusing her even further.

"Then why do I feel as if I've forgotten something?" she whispered to herself.