A Debt (1)

The bartender placed Howard's drink in front of him. He was miserable and desperate because of the stress he had been put under. His friend, Jonathan, was also with him at the bar.

"What do I do?" Howard lamented. "He only gave me till 9 PM and I've only got an hour left! I can't return so much money in such a short time…"

"You need to get a grip on yourself!" Jonathan exclaimed. "I warned you not to take money from that guy! But now, you'll have to find a way to convince him to give you more time!"

"I had no choice!" Howard said bitterly. "My wife wanted to open a cafe and I assured her that I have the expenses covered. She doesn't know whom I borrowed the money from but I think she's getting suspicious. Last night, she asked me about the loan again and I had to dodge her question."

"You're troubling Natasha and yourself," Jonathan sighed. "You just had to borrow from Lucas Hao's men! They're not good people and extremely dangerous. This loan shark...what's his name?"

"Tobias Yan," Howard replied. "He doesn't have any hideout. Only a website. I was browsing for loan companies and he looked legitimate. He even showed me documents which made it look like his company was a legal entity! So, I took out the loan and put my house on mortgage. But if I don't return the money tonight, he'll take everything I have!"

"You didn't suspect him as a loan shark?" Jonathan scolded him. "Ugh!"

Howard shook his head. The gangsters had falsified all the documents to the point that the business looked almost real. He discovered the truth only after he took out that loan and had already invested much of it in the cafe.

"Does Lillian know about this?" Jonathan asked.

"No," Howard shook his head. "She doesn't know. I don't want her to find out!"

Jonathan shook his head. He took out a paper and handed it to Howard.

"I've looked into Lucas Hao," he revealed. "My old friend works in one of the malls Lucas owns and he managed to give me Lucas Hao's whereabouts for today. He'll be at Club Colaba around 9 PM. Go to him and plead. He might tell his subordinate to give you more time."

"What if he refuses?" Howard asked with uncertainty.

"Try to convince him," Jonathan coaxed him. "It's your only chance."

Howard stared at the note in his hand. Toby had given him a very short amount of time and now he was stuck in a rut. If he did not plead with Toby's boss, then he would be in big trouble. Moreover, he was also scared that Toby might harm his family, especially Lillian.

The very thought of his daughter going through another horrifying experience was unbearable to him.

"I'll talk to him," he finally said. "I just hope he listens to me…"

He bid goodbye to Jonathan and left the bar. The bar they were at was situated at a very secluded part of the town with very few people around. The entrance was at an alley rather than near the street because the road was under construction. Other than the workers, people rarely ventured that way. Since it was past 8 PM, the workers had also finished their shift and gone home, leaving the alley fairly desolate.

Howard stepped on the pavement, hurrying towards the nearest taxi stand.

"Going somewhere, Cheng?"

Howard froze in his steps. A thin figure emerged out of the shadows. The man had dirty yellow teeth with a balding hairline. He was slightly taller than Howard and was pointing a gun at him.

"Where's my money?" Toby demanded.

"I have time till 9 PM!" Howard protested but Toby only raised his gun higher.

"I need the money now!" Toby claimed. "I know you don't have it! I had my men follow you around all week. You didn't even manage to get a fraction of the money!"

"I-I…" Howard stammered.

"You're coming with me!" Toby declared.

"No!" Howard protested. "Give me more time! Please!"

"If you don't come, I'll go to your house and drag your daughter out of there!" Toby threatened him. "That pretty face will fetch at least three million for me…"

He flashed his decaying teeth at Howard. The latter whimpered in fear. The very thought of Lillian being tortured by this sadistic monster was chilling his spine.

"I-I'll go with you!" Howard conceded. "Please don't hurt my daughter! Please…"

He knelt down, begging for his daughter's life. Tears rolled down his face and he was distraught but Toby kicked him backwards.

"Then do as I say!" Toby threatened. "Come with me. You'll stay in our hideout and do our bidding until your debts are paid. You got me?"

Howard shakily nodded and scampered to his feet. Toby grabbed his collar and pulled him towards a van which was parked only a few meters away.

At that very moment, Jonathan came running out of the bar. He was carrying Howard's cell phone because the latter left it at the bar. As soon as he came out, he saw that Howard was being taken by a man who was holding a gun.

"Howard!" he called out but the van sped off, leaving him behind.

"This isn't good!" Jonathan realized and immediately took out his phone.


"Didn't they have butterscotch cake?" Natasha asked Lillian.

They were at their house, preparing everything for the party. Lillian had somehow managed to finish the banner and hung it in the living room. She stood on a stool, hanging more balloons.

A long table was placed in front of the banner with the cake and food on it. Red and white balloons hung from the ceiling and several confetti bombs were placed in front of the door so that when Howard steps on the trigger, they would explode and shower him with confetti.

"Nope," Lillian sighed. "They only had red velvet flavor. It's not that bad."

Natasha was arranging the food on the table. She had prepared a mountain with colorful macaroons along with a chocolate fountain to use as a dip for fondue. There were several finger foods on the table, all of which were Howard's favorites.

"All done!" Natasha exclaimed, looking at all their hard work. It was a small tradition to celebrate their birthdays as intimately as possible. Howard loathed making too much fuss so it was always the three of them having a good time.

"Where's dad?" Lillian asked. "He should have been home by now. It's nearly 8:45!"

"He said that he's out drinking with Jonathan," Natasha sighed. "That man just has to go to that damn bar every week!"

Lillian giggled and hung more balloons on the ceiling. Her phone was vibrating in her pocket.

"Mom, I'm getting a call!" she told Natasha. "It's probably dad."

She got off the stool while Natasha replied, "Tell him to come home early!"

Lillian nodded and answered the call.

"Hey dad-" she began but Jonathan's voice came from the other end.

"Lillian, it's me, Jonathan!" he exclaimed. "Listen to me very carefully! Don't tell your mom what I'm about to tell you."

Lillian was alarmed by his tone. What the hell was going on?

"Your father has been kidnapped by a loan shark!" Jonathan revealed. "They work for Lucas Hao and are in Club Colaba at this very moment!"