The Shootout (2)

Lola was kneeling on the floor, dressed and scared while Lucas and Thomas watched over her.

"Keep him busy as long as you can," Lucas was saying. "We'll hide in the room. Once he's asleep, we'll capture him. Remember, if you dare to say anything to him, my men will kill your brother. Got it?"

The woman whimpered in fear. His cold tone was scaring her and she was worried for her precious brother. Lucas turned to Thomas.

"Did you tell Gab to keep an eye on the entrance?" he asked. Gab was one of their informers who was spying on the other gangs for them. He was not a skilled fighter but collected useful information for Lucas.

"Yes," Thomas replied. "He's outside right now. He'll notify us when Alex arrives."

Lucas nodded and turned to the woman. "Be good," he warned.

Thomas' phone vibrated with a message from Gab. "Boss, he's here," Thomas informed Lucas.

Thomas hid in the closet while Lucas hid behind the long couch, both of them completely out of view. Lola straightened herself, trying not to panic but her hands were shaking.

There was a knock on the door, startling Lola.

"W-Who is it?" she stammered.

"It's me," Alex's sleazy voice came through the door. "Open up, ya bitch!"

Lola trembled as she walked towards the door and opened it. The blonde haired man staggered in, pushing her away.

"Get me a glass of whiskey!" he ordered as he sat down on the bed.

"Y-Yes!" Lola exclaimed. She took out a bottle of whiskey from the fridge and began to mix it in a glass. Lucas was very still behind the couch, carefully listening in. Alex was annoyed for some reason.

"That Lucas Hao!" he growled. "Trampling all over my business! I lost a major client coz of him. I can't wait to get rid of him…"

He was seething with anger. Lucas Hao had interfered in his business for too long and he was looking for ways to get rid of his rival. The Wang family had been struggling to get rid of Lucas for years. Alex's father, Edward Wang, was the current head of the Wang family and they dabble with the worst crimes. They were responsible for many killings and gang wars.

The city was once plunged into chaos as warring factions took up arms against each other. Blood spilled in broad daylight as gang members entered into fights with rival groups and it was impossible to stop them. It was a battleground for all criminals as each group fought for dominance.

But once Lucas Hao entered the field, everything came to a halt. He strategically killed the leaders of the gangs and carried out many contract killings before reaching the top. The police were afraid of him and even politicians protected him because he was keeping the gangs from fighting each other. Before him, the Wang family used to be at the top, fueling the rivalry for their own gain. However, Lucas took over the mantle, throwing the Wang's to second place and now, he controlled most of the territory.

"That fucker got my family…" Alex growled. "But we'll get him. The Wang's will get him. I already told my father about that whore he's seeing. She's now under Lucas' protection but for how long? Once we get her, we'll make sure that our men take very good care of her before we sell her off to our clients. They'll take good care of that bitch while Lucas Hao will look all over for her!"

He sadistically laughed, imagining how he was going to torment Lucas through that girl. Lola was still shaking when she walked towards him, carrying the tray. Her hands were trembling so much that she dropped the glass on the ground.

"YOU ROTTEN BITCH!" he yelled and slapped her. Lucas heard him slap Lola. She shrieked and fell on the bed but Alex was not done. He whipped out the belt from his pants and began to hit her with it. Lola's cries were echoing in the room as the belt hit her. Long gashes formed on her olive skin and she was begging for mercy.


Alex was about to hit her more when someone grabbed the belt and stopped it. He furiously looked around only to be shocked.

"You!" he whispered. Lucas snatched the belt from his hand but Alex lunged to punch him. Lucas dodged him and kicked the spot where Alex was shot weeks ago.

The blonde man yelled in pain but managed to land a hit on Lucas' face. Thomas jumped out of the closet and tackled Alex but the latter elbowed him and punched his head, knocking him out. Lucas took out his gun while Lola ran into the bathroom to hide.

"YOU CAN'T HIDE YOU BITCH!" Alex shouted after her. Lucas tried to shoot him but Alex kicked it out of his hand.

Both the men were now locked in in a fierce struggle of death, each willing to kill the other. Alex pinned Lucas on the ground with his foot, trying to strangle him. Lucas was badly bruised, his cheeks bleeding. He was trying to reach for his gun but it was too far away.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Alex wheezed. "My dad will be so proud of me! Lucas Hao, dead at last!"

He stepped harder on Lucas' neck but the latter was determined to stay alive. Lucas coughed and sputtered, trying to get Alex off him but the blonde guy was equally strong…


Alex froze in the air for a few seconds. Lucas felt the pressure on his neck loosen and Alex's body fell next to him, motionless.

"Boss, are you okay?" Thomas came forward with a gun in his hand. He helped Lucas to sit up.

"Is he dead?" Lucas asked, pointing at Alex. Thomas stooped down to check his pulse.

"Not yet," Thomas replied. Lucas picked up his gun from the ground and pointed it at Alex's head before pulling the trigger. Another loud gunshot pierced through the room. Blood and brains splattered on Lucas' face while Thomas only groaned.

"Is he dead now?" Lucas demanded. Thomas checked the pulse again.

"Yes," Thomas replied. "He's dead."

"Good," Lucas said. "Send his body to Edward Wang. Let him see the beautiful face of his son one last time. And also send him a message."

"What will I write, sir?" Thomas asked.

"Tell him that if he dares to touch my wife, I'll kill him and his men with my own hands," Lucas said in a menacing tone which scared even Thomas to the core.

"Yes sir," he said with a bow. Lucas did not spare a glance at the lifeless man on the ground and walked away. His eyes were filled with pure hatred as he walked down the corridors. The people in the building had heard the gunshots but were too scared of the man who was emerging from that bloodbath. They fearfully stepped aside, letting him go but Lucas did not care about what they thought.

Thomas stared at his boss' retreating back wondering for the millionth time what was going on in Lucas' mind.

But then again, some things were best left unsaid.