No Fear

Lucas abruptly stopped the car in the middle of a desolated highway and turned to face her. Lillian was intimidated by his mood swing but did not back out. Instead, she nervously looked him in the eye, trying to fight back the fear erupting in her heart.

"I'll attack anyone who'll be a threat to me," he said, raising his eyebrows. "Even if it's them."

He paused before adding, "Especially if it's them."

"No," Lillian said in a clear tone. She did not know those people nor did she care much about them after hearing what Elora had said to her. But Lucas' grandmother was sick and a volatile atmosphere was the last thing that poor old woman needed. Lillian did not want to disrupt her health any further.

"You will not point your gun at your family members tonight!" she said in a firm tone. "For the sake of your sick grandmother! Don't do it."