
Natasha was in the kitchen when she heard the doorbell. She turned off the stove and quickly headed for the front door. To her pleasant surprise, Lillian stood there.

"Lily!" she exclaimed, hugging her daughter. Lillian leapt into her mother's arms, happy and content.

"Mom, I've missed you so much!" Lillian said. She was being honest. For the past few weeks, she missed her mother's warm hugs and constant nagging. Natasha wanted to visit her daughter at her new apartment but Howard was still recovering from his injuries so she could not leave him behind on his own.

"You'll be staying tonight?" Natasha asked when she saw Lillian carrying a duffel bag.

"Duh!" Lillian said as she entered the house. "You think I won't spend the weekend with my parents? I was just busy for the past few days so I couldn't come. So many things to settle in the new apartment!"