Cute Girls Deserve Hunks Too!

Hannah was observing Lillian carefully. It seemed that Lillian was muttering to herself for a long time and there was an annoyed look on her face. They were at the teacher's lounge, enjoying their break time. Ever since Lillian returned to work after her stint at the hospital, she was rather unfocused and unusually quiet but talking to herself as if she was alone.

"I hope his sexy girlfriends dump his ass!" she muttered. "Tall? Sexy? As if girls will fall for him!"

But they will, she whined inwardly. Ugh! I thought mafia leaders were supposed to be old and wrinkled! Why is he young and handsome? Does he eat something special? 

"Oh, wait," she muttered again. "He eats the entire pantry by himself. Even finished off the entire batch of crab cakes in one sitting!"