Trip to Japan (19)

"Can't we go any faster?" Lillian beeged. She was scared and anxious for Lucas. He was not answering his phone, making her even more nervous. Gab was driving while the other guards were following them in another car. 

"Lady Boss, I'm trying but the traffic in the city is bad," he gritted. It was true. There was an accident up ahead and the road was packed. Lillian checked her watch.

It was almost 10.30 AM. They were not far from the place but the road was jammed up. She could not see any other way but to run towards the meeting place.

"What about Hiroshi?" She asked. "Is he available?"

"He's been instructed to keep his phone off," Gab replied. "We all have to. Whenever such meetings take place, the ones attending must keep their phones switched off in case someone tries to track us."

Lillian groaned and tried to call Lucas again but his phone was switched off. It was futile to call him but she still wanted to try until the very end.