Annoying Duo

Lucas stopped the car in front of the Hao mansion. Lillian was worried for him but he kept an impassive expression. Ever since his sudden display of emotions at the mall, she could not help but wonder if his hatred for his family was more deep rooted than she had assumed.

What else did they do to him?

"Aren't you coming with me?" She asked. He seemed as if he was in a trance and her voice brought him out of it. For a moment, he debated if he should enter but then he glanced at Lillian and nodded. 

"Let's go, " he muttered.

Butler Garrett was happy to see the couple entering the house, hand in hand. He smiled and bowed at them.

"Welcome, Young Master, " he greeted. "And you, Young Mistress."

"How are you, Garrett?" Lillian asked with a smile.

"I am fine," he replied. "I was about to prepare dinner. I will set the table for the two of you as well."

"No!" Lucas said at once. "We're only here to meet grandma. We'll leave afterwards."