
Jenny was pacing back and forth, waiting for a call. She glanced at the clock every now and then, trying to keep herself cool but her heart was too anxious. Their plan was going to be carried out the next day and there was still no news from Aidan.

"Where the hell is that guy?" She snarled, staring at her phone. 


Jenny jumped in fright and turned around to find Donna entering the room.

"What happened?" she frowned. "You look as if you saw a ghost."

"What is it mom?" Jenny snapped. "I'm busy!"

Donna raised an eyebrow. "We need to set a date for your wedding with Aidan," she stated. "Your father and I-"

"I don't want to marry him!" Jenny protested. "You know very well that I don't love him! Why are you doing this to me? I won't marry that guy."

"You will," Donna said in a cool tone. "And we won't hear no."

Jenny was furious. Why were they dictating her life?