The Car Festival

Morning time, 7 o'clock..

Some sound came from outside of the door. It was hand held bell which continuously rang until she wake up. Some whispering sound also coming with it like chanting mantra's.

She uttered in a low voice, ' who is disturbing me in this early morning,' she put her hand to close her ear.

On the same time a loud fierce voice came from outside, 'How long you will be staying in your room ?? Do you want me to lock you up there for forever.'

She suddenly woke up with panic attack expression like exposing her trepidation after hearing the fierce voice, she spoke with a crack voice, ' mom !!! '.

A pillow came from out of the door by flying on air and drop down on to her face, her eyes got bigger when she got hit by the pillow and spoke out with a annoying voice but keep on trembling with fear,

' Mom, can you please stop doing this, don't disturb me when I'm on my work.'

Mom came inside, she was wearing a pure cotton sari holding a hand bell on her left hand. Her face was red with anger and her eyes was looking at her sharped like knife that she could go and cut her into pieces.

She started yelling at her, ' Don't you know that today is a sacred day?, '

Sati scared to death when her mother entered to the room, ' Do I have to tell, to get coconut and fruits to finish my rituals? You have not came out from tow days itself. Do you have no responsibility for your home ?,'

Sati's little sister was laughing secretly behind her mother. She was on her night trouser keep on peeking from the outdoor, putting brush on her mouth, making a funny expression to tease her as a rival.

Sati got furious by seeing her sister laughing at her in a situation like this and gave her a death stare.

' Get bath as soon as possible and get me my things on proper time, Did you get that??' Sati snapped out with a tremble expression and said,

' Ye... yes.. yes mom..' door shut with a loud sound, finally all left and she started rubbing her head by thinking, ' What's so special today?, she scroll her phone and saw,

'OMG!! Today is sacred day of "Ratha Yatra" (The Car Festival) of Lord Jagannatha.'

Her phone dropped down from her hand, she was in shock that she didn't remember the Holy Car Festival day. Its an Indian festival but all over the world celebrate this day by the Devotees of 'Lord Jagannatha', as 'Car Festival' where Lord Jagannatha with travel to his Aunt with his big brother and little sister.

Like, wooden images of Jagannatha, his brother, Balbhadra, and his sister Subhadra, are taken in procession in three huge chariots or carts that look like temples and are called Ratha's .

The festival is also known as the Jagannatha Festival/Car Festival. He is the 10th incarnation of 'Lord Narayana' and one of the most popular God of Hindu.

She got up in a hurry burry, all things left behind messy. After bath she left to shop to get all kinds of fruits and flowers. She got ready after coming back to home for the Temple.

'Mom! I'm ready. Shall we go now?' with a cute smile she asked her mother to come.

Sati and her mother entered into the temple after reaching.

The Temple!!

Its huge and big like the top part of it touching to the sky when you look at it.

The Holy Red Flag flowing with the wind smoothly like dancing with the whisper sound of the wind at the top of the Nila Chakra( The Blue Wheel) which is also in the top of the temple.

The 21st steps towards My Lord Jagannatha, like making 21 wish/promise to be happy in this life or after life. Each steps contains with the Holy spirit that purify your all taints that makes you greedy, obsess, hater, anger etc.

If you see his big two eyes, you will fall in love with him instantly for such a cute and lovely God. I always drawn into his big eyes which is round like circle. His look always make others to admire him like looking towards on full moon in the sky.

His rounded big eyes, called Sun and Moon where you can lost yourself once you stare on it. He is black in complexion and does not have ears, which attracts each eyes to get more deeper in to his lovely incarnation.

A respectful greeting and vows comes from inside the soul when you see him with your own eyes.

Sati & Her mother both bow down with their kneel and greet with closing their palm towards each other keeping in-front of the chest, with peaceful face they keep on adoring the cute black face of Lord Jagannatha.

Sati, inside her heart, praying without using words

'My Lord! Please forgive me for my childness. I have drawn into my work so deeply that, I forgot to cherish you.'

'Hope you will always keep your warmth hand on me no matter what the situation.'

'My lord! Please bring me the fortune to reach my dreams which I have seen with my open eyes and achieve the success which destined to be.

'Only you, whom I can share with, what I feel, what I want, no one else. Hope you will grant my all wish to come true. Xiao Zhan may not be in my fate but I still believe that one day you will make the fortune to meet me with him.'

She bend down and drop her head to touch the floor to finish the pray.