A Fair Agreement

Some how sati manage to convince her mother for the foreign trip and left everything behind to get into her dreamland after the bid farewell from her family. Her mother was little upset because, the girl who never left her home, and went out from the city for a day, now she has to leave her country to make her own move, It's kind of unacceptable for her mother. But she still allow Sati and let her go to achieve what she like. She doesn't wish be her hurdles for her every moves.

As of now, her way got cleared up but how she going to be connect with Xiao Zhan ??

That is Suspence !!

Sati, at the airport entered in check-in counter for boarding while thinking and smiling on her own, (Xiao Zhan, I don't know if I could meet you or not, but I Hope Tinent group would present you as the lead role of my story. After all the whole book is all about you only. Anyway if they don't add your name then I'll make a smart move to get you. Xiao Zhan !! I'm coming for you my love. )

She landed safely at Beijing, China Airport. The coordinator of the company has came to pick her up to hotel where she can get freshup and have some rest after her long journey.

At the evening time, Sati entered in the lobby where Everyone was waiting for her. She was wearing a nice one piece blue colour grown, with little indian touch up, for which she was looking even more fabulous. As a writer she should maintain a good appearance before the MD of Tinent Group of company.

The MD, Mr. Xu Yang the most knowledgeable person and extremely smart enough to deal with any kind of business. He is a middle aged person but his appearance is more like smart and gentle. He was waited for Sati at the lobby. When sati arrived He got up from the sofa where he sat to greet her with his PA and some subordinate. Besides there are two bodyguard with them, behind the sofa wearing a well mannered clean dress .

Mr. Xu, with a gentle smile, brought his hand forward to shake and said, ' Hello, miss Satabdhi Mishra.' ( Sati's full name )

Sati, reply back with the handshake, ' Hello, sir ' How are you ??, with a gentle smile on her face.

Mr. Xu, ' I am fine ! How was the journey, Hope it is not much tierd for you ??, He looked at her by raising his eye-brow and bending his chin down to neck, from the up of his Goggles, which is stylist black framed eyeglasses and was looking much costly. Sati answered with a formal smile, ' No, no, sir .. It was wonderful traveling here. And it's really an honor to meet you here like this.' ,

They both sit down after greeting each other for the further discussion.

Mr. Xu, took the cup of coffee on his hand and asked after a sip, ' So !! How you feeling after knowing about the adaption of your Novel to Tinent Picture ??, ' Sati, with a wonder expression, ' It's beyond of my imagination sir, till now I'm not able to believe that I'm right here infront of you. It's, it's really my pleasure to meet you. '

Mr. Xu, laugh little louder after hearing from sati, ' Hahaha, so sweet of you miss Satabdhi, well can call you with a short name, like Miss. SM , something like that??, ' Sati, replied with a pleasant smile, 'Yeah ! sure, you can call me Sati also.' He smiled and said, ' Well I'm fine with SM, if you don't mind.' laughing louder, 'Haahaha.'

Sati node her head as she agreed for the name given by Mr.Xu, and after the formal discussion they came at the point to sign A Fair Agreement.

An Agreement is a promise between two entities, creating mutual obligations by law to follow all the steps and conditions of a company with the person.

Before she sign the contract, Sati asked Mr. Xu to accept her proposal too.

' Mr. Xu , please forgive me for my ruthless talking , I would like to put three conditions to assign the contact. May I explain it you if you don't mind?? ,'

Mr. Xu get confused for her dare but ignoring everything he said, ' Shoot out.' he gently laugh but exited to know what sati is upto.

Sati, ' Sir, first condition I wanted to put that, I'll be the assistant script writer for this film adaptation and i would be the better option for you as you know that I'm the original writer of this book.

Sati just exhale and inhale to control her confidence infront of Mr. Xu and confront her 2nd conditions.

' The 2nd conditions is, The lead actor of this film will be choosen by me only '

'And the 3rd and last condition is, The actor/ actress choosen by me, can not get into any kind of Relationship, Internal or External Affairs like personally engaged or married till the project end.

Everyone's face was blank like white paper, no expression after hearing from Sati. They just looked at eachother's face and waited for Me Xu's to utter something. Before that only Sati speak again,

'These are the conditions I have to put which based on my book's guideline and I hope, you will accept it and support me to finish this work in a better way. You will not disappoint by signing this contract with me and as I'm the original writer of this book , with these conditions I can promise you that, whatever the decision taken by me were also be as per your company rules and guidance. Like almost under you control only .'

Mr. Xu went into a deep thought after listen to her but within a second he said, ' Okay, fine ! But is there any other conditions you have ??'

Sati was stunned. She took a deep breath silently , she was looking little bit tense and confused after she heard from Mr Xu's. Without giving any expression she spoke, ' Yes, I do have a wish and it's also to make my script work perfect.' she grasped her hand after finishing talking firmly.

Mr Xu looked at her with a cold eyes and smile at her. Sati felt little bit uncomfortable but she has to be confident about whatever she is doing. ' Miss SM, why do you have to put these conditions?? Are you afraid of the whole project will be taken away after you sign this contract?? Is this your Fair Agreement?? ' with a mockery smile, Mr Xu looked at to Sati.

Sati took a gulp of air and starred at Mr Xu continuously. Lot's of questions were floating on her mind, like will he going to accept all the conditions or is this the end of the beginning??

( 'Hey Narayana ! Will you be ever going to support me or leave me like this with a tough situation ? Xiao Zhan ! Is this the end of our love before meeting?? ' ) With a blank face she was keep on talking with her brain. But still she wasn't aware of what next !!