Interview By XZ

Sati entered into the cabin slowly where Xiao Zhan was waiting for her with the resume. He covered his face with the resume file like he was reading everything about sati and asked sati with a pleasant voice to come inside and then offer her a sit.

File pouted down on the table, Xiao Zhan looked up towards Sati. In a slow motion sati keep on looking towards XZ. She was still standing at the same place where she was in the beginning with a blank face. Like she was almost lost herself when she saw him.

Inside of her mind after seeing XZ, started singing an Indian Bollywood song of Shahrukh Khan from (MAIN HUN NA movie - Tumhe jo maine dekha)

{' You're here, I'm here as well

Come closer so that I can say

Why is that within a moment

I went crazy for you

When I saw you

When I understood you

Whatever sense I had, that has gone

The fragrance of your body

Is awakening some magic

My heart went restless and lost control

When I thought about you

When I beleived in you

When I saw you

When I understood you

Whatever sense I had, that has gone .' }

Her eyeglasses was colorful by the song like she and XZ dancing on every beat of this song.

' Miss sati... miss Sati,' with a louder voice, ' You can come inside and sit-down here ! ' his magnificent voice woken her up from the imagination which was almost drawn her into a deep feelings for XZ.

Sati rush towards to the chair after waking up which was kept opposite to Xiao Zhan's table. She pulled the chair with a passionate way and went to sit , but she couldn't.

Why ? What happened next, it might be little confusing ?!

Well she fell down from the chair badly before she sat. Isn't it pathetic ? This would always happen when you're in front of your crush and you have to give your perfect appearance with all your activities but failed because of your nervousness. XZ closed his eyes with weird expression when sati fell down. He didn't laugh at her but he made a mocker face for her silliness. Sati got up immediately and correct her outfit, to sit down.

Xiao zhan was shocked when she fell down and asked immediately when she got up, ' Are you okay ? ' and offer her a glass of water. Such a gentleman, like he knows that sati was little nervous after seeing him. ' Yeah ! I'm, am absolutely fine, Thank you !' she replied with polite manner . XZ open the file and kept it In front of his face and started laughing at her silently.

After few moment, XZ asked Sati, ' So ! miss Sati, you are from India Right ?! And you do like painting and dancing as your hobby ?!, Sati nodded her head just like she couldn't answer with her voice as she is very nervous. ' So you worked as an assistant for 2 years with Satabdhi Mishra right ?!' without thinking she replied ' Yes ' then she recall herself what exactly she heard, 'What' shocking face she reversed back. XZ blinked and said ' Isn't it in your resume ?!'

After few seconds of deep thinking she replied,

'Oh ! Yes , Yes ' she lower down her voice and started murmuring ' I was working with myself only for 2 years , ' ' Did you said anything ?!' XZ question her back for not getting her voice properly. ' No no, you please continue ' She just laughed in a ugly way and rub her hair for sometime to make herself calm.

Sati was still in shock mode, cause the resume was describing totally opposite about her. Anyhow she can't deny whatever happening now, rather than accepting the fact. She took the glass of water and while she was drinking, XZ boost again ' So! What your Husband Do? ' again Sati thrown all water when it got stuck in to her throat after whatever she heard. She shoot with a horrifying face ' What was that ?!! ' XZ face was blank and eyes were out after she gave the answer ' Didn't you mentioned that you are married ?' He blinked and gave a awful look to Sati. Then she asked XZ to give her the resume so that she could look at what was written on it. She took out her goggles when she read all details whatever written about her.

With a horrifying tensed face, she countinue thinking while reading, ( what the hell is this? Why Mr James (Mr Xu's PA) has to write such horrible fake details about me. OMG if xiao zhan finds out what's the truth I'll be not only out from the studio, he will definitely put me in jail for sure. )

She gave a filthy smile and said, ' Actually, I got divorced recently. So maybe it was a mistakenly written that I'm married. Well I don't mention about in my life anymore. '

' Oh! That's too bad. I'm sorry for asking. ' He felt sorry for sati. ' By the way may I ask for what reason you got separated?' After this question, sati got confused what to say now.

She immediately started screaming with fake tear. XZ was scared of her strange behaviour all of a sudden. ' What happened Miss sati ?? Why are you crying ??' While screaming, She took out a tissue paper infront of XZ and said, ' I really loved him and gave hundred percent to our relationship, but he was only looking at to the pretty ladies. He thought I'm a ugly illiterate lady who can never achieve anything in my life and he thought I don't deserve him.'

Continue Screaming with fake tear ...

Xiao Zhan was so humble, he offer her a glass of water and gave sympathy to not feel upset and cry for such a ruthless man who doesn't respect women. He felt so bad for Sati, Cause for him, she just a young girl who got married and divorced also in this early age. By the way Sati's life story made a soft corner in Xiao Zhan's heart. .

Now what ?? The first victory she got. It's time to get into party mode cause Xiao Zhan has appointed her as his assistant and assigned her as a Fan-Meeting trainer.