Xiao Zhan in Trouble

Sati Felt bad when she found XZ not having faith on her. But the truth was totally different what she was thinking.

'Xiao Zhan , I know that I'm new here and everything here also new for me. May be I'm not familiar with the language, people, dressing style or food of this place but I never learn to give up and i have learn this from you. You are my idol and my inspiration too.'

Sati finished her discourse with her pleasant voice and left XZ speechless. He was almost impress and after few seconds of silent he sigh and said,

'Fine, I believe you. Tomorrow after my Audio stage show, will discus about the script.' He gave a beautiful smile while leaving for the day.

Sati was exited and lost herself in wonderland for few minutes with XZ's thought when XZ talk with her so nicely, then Jing entered with a book holding on her hand and asked her whether she finished the script reading or not.

Sati request her to take the script with her after office but she refused and suggest her to finish office work in office only then left.

She wonder why this lady has always a bad temper for no reason. Anyway as she knows everything about the script she left it on her table and left for the day happily.

Meanwhile Jing secretly went to sati's cabin and change some pages of Fan-meeting script with another script book and said With a mockery smile, 'Now I'll see, how you can be loyal to xiao zhan ?! Huh!'

Sati was staying in a guest house of Tinent company provided by Mr. Xu, which is luxury and full of ambitious. But sati was expecting a normal house to stay near by Xiao Zhan's and the studio to get more close to him. Sati assured to Mr. Xu that she will be handle all things by herself and asked Leena's help to find a good place nearby only.

The next day XZ left early for his stage show with Ning before sati arrives. Here Jing took the charge of everything for the day and she started troubling sati by giving her lots of useless work so that she couldn't finish the script on time. Sati almost lost her mind for Jing's behavior and about to scream on her badly but she hold her grudge for the next time.

Meanwhile after XZ's performance he had another advertisement shoot, So he called Sati to come with the script near to the place where he will held the shoot, so that they can both discuss about the script afterwards.

Phone rang when Sati was busy with preparing a data given by Jing. She saw it was unknown number, but felt like she should pick the call, ' Hello ! Who is this ?'' with a blank face she answered the call.

' It's me, Xiao zhan. Are you free now ?'

Other side of the phone XZ was preparing to leave for the stage show and talking with Sati while putting some make-up on his face.

' Oh! I'm sorry, Aaa, ammmm yeh I'm, I'm free now, please tell me. How can I help you?' She snapped out herself when she heard XZ's voice.

XZ smiled at her nervousness sound and said,

' I'm sending you a location now. You have to come there with the script book, so that we can discuss about it after the shoot. Hope you have finished reading already.'

Sati replied, ' Yes I have finished, let me prepare to leave so that I could be there with you on time.'

XZ hang the phone after saying 'Ok'.

Jing was crossing that way when sati answered XZ'S call. She heard everything by hiding from a corner and thought of plotting something bad so that XZ will lose interest on her.

She came near to Sati and asked politely.

' Have you finished reading?!' when sati was about to hang the call of XZ.

It was unexpected for sat, that how Jing appeared suddenly.

' Almost done, why ?!' with a question mark face because she didn't expected her to be there on that moment.

Jing laughed awkwardly and said, ' nothing I was just worried, so asked.' She act like she doesn't know that XZ asked her to visit him over the phone.

'You shouldn't have bothered me with so much bulshit work, if you really worried about me.' she whispered slowly and when Jing looked at her she too laughed awkwardly.

Jing wondering that how this girl finished reading this book so fast. However she smirked inside that sati couldn't find the mismatch pages of dialogues in the script but when XZ find out about this Sati will be finished. where Sati just lied that she had almost finished reading.

Sati left office and get into a cab towards the place where Xiao Zhan's shooting was going on.

Where trouble started ??

When she reached to the shooting spot.

She saw the cab driver facing trouble while getting into the Hotel because of so much crowd.

Sati thought, ' From where an earth this much people came ?'

Cab driver , ' Madam ! I have to drop you here, cause there is no way to go inside. Kindly support and get down here only.' with a humble manner he requested to Sati.

Sati went into silence mode for a while when she heard this from the cab driver.

She looked outside from the window of the Cab but couldn't understand and thought what was happening and why so many people have gathered in the front gate of the Shooting site.

Sati get down and started walking towards shooting set. She tried get in but because of so much crowd some of guys pushed her back. She felt uncomfortable and took out her phone after trying to get in two, three times.

Phone rang, 'Hello!!'

' This is Sati, Mr. Zhan! there is lots of people gathered here outside of the set. Could you please guide me to get in?! If you don't mind!?"

On the other side of phone, Xiaozhan got furious when he heard of gathering people.

'What did you just said? People have gathered outside?!' while talking he came near to window to see what's actually going on and got panic by seeing so many people.

He was speach less. He started sweating all over his body.

Sati couldn't get why Xiaozhan got panic and speach less by seeing so much crowd. She doesn't know once xiaozhan get stuck between gathered people of his own fans when he had no escort and almost lost to find a way out when he felt breathing problems because of so much crowd.

Will the same situation going to happen with xiao zhan ??

How he will find a way out from this situation??