In a Awkward Situation

Sati took him to see the doctor by covering his face with her scarf so that people will not recognise him.

'Do I really have to hide my face here also?? It's too hot, I can't even breathe.' XZ told her while heading towards to the doctor.

'Hold on for more few minutes my lord, once we are done here I'll do as you command.'

with a relaxing smiley face Sati convince him.

The doctor looked at his ankle which is sprained badly and asked sati to take some massage cream and medicine to get as soon as possible.

'Mr. Zhan! please take care of yourself, I will be right back in a minute after getting your medicine. ok !'

XZ nodded his head as a reply to Sati.

She left him with a care of a nurse to brought whatever written on the prescription.

After delivering the medicine she went out to make a call to Ning, where XZ was keep on peeking her behind of the glass door by sitting over the examine bed of the doctor where he was getting checkup.

Meanwhile from the other side of the phone,

'What the hell is happening? How did Xiao Zhan get hurt while you are with him?' Sati pushed her head away from the phone making an irritating face when Ning shouted at her.

'And also you stole a bike from somewhere? how shameful ? I can't believe that you could do such things! XZ's all reputation will go waist now.'

' Sati, I swear I'll not spare you if something happened unpleasant to him.'

'Madam, Mr. Zhan is fine.' with a politeness sati starts to speak.

'And there was no other option leftover at that situation, so took the bike but not stole it.' 'Please don't worry about Mr. Zhan's reputation, I kept our studio's visiting card over the place where the bike was kept, so he will collect his belongging's latter.'

'If you are clear now would you please mind to send someone here to pick Mr. Zhan?'

'I have already sent you the location of this hospital. Thank you' with a polite manner she hang the phone and gave a awful smile.

Stabbed the table after cut off the call, Ning immediately called QC his bodyguard.

'QC! immediately start for the City Hospital (where XZ getting treatment).'

'Yes Madam!'

Meanwhile Sati pulled the door to get inside to look after Xiao Zhan, where he was already looking at to her. Sati's eyes connected with Xiao Zhan's eyes accidentally, when he was peeking at her from the very beginning. Usually it's not his character but he was curious to know what's going on at that time.

Sati felt uncomfortable and immediately steal her glance and started talking with nurse.

'Is everything Okay?' XZ asked curiously when Sati didn't gave attention to him.

'Yes! Is anything you need my lord?' while smiling she replied to make him comfort.

'Well! I was thinking.... Auchh...' XZ scream suddenly while talking with her cause of his ankle pain when the Nurse was giving him a dab with ice pad.

Sati rush to him and sit down to see his ankle and said, 'Mam! would you like me to do it? I will do it more gently. Please...'

XZ interrupted and said, 'No, no, how cum you! No It wont look good.' by holding her hand.

Sati tap his hand gently with her other hand and said, 'Don't worry my lord! I will not hurt you. Anyway this sprain u go because of me so, by helping you with your treatment would make me feel better.' with a mixed of gentle and upset smile she convince XZ.

Xiao Zhan smiled at her and leave her hand slowly..

Meanwhile the Nurse was confused whom to listen for the whole time and later when both came to the conclusion she left by hand over the ice pad to Sati.

Sati started giving dab on his ankle gently which was really comfortable and relief for XZ. He almost felt like sleepy by thinking of her that, what type of girl she is! On the same time he saw some blood coming out from her side neck of a scratches.

'Sati, what happened to your neck?' by pointing his finger.

Sati touched her neck and got shock by seeing slight blood coming out from her neck.

She remind herself that she got scratched by those full of thorn trees while getting inside to the shooting set. She immediately hide her wound with the scarf and said, 'Aaa! no, nothing! It's nothing, I'm fine.'

Xiao Zhan hold her hand to stop her when she suddenly got up to leave that place, where he found some more scratches on her hand, from where blood was slightly coming out.

With shocking expression, 'How cum you got these scratches all over your body?' by dragging sati's hand near to him..

Sati was blank.

No words left to explain, but he thought of himself when she told him while climbing the boundary to escape from the crowd on the shooting set, that how she came inside while having a huge rush in front of the main gate.

('Is there no other way out?' with sad face XZ said.)

('No, my lord! you have to climb the boundary. Other way are full of thorn trees, will you prefer that way?' with a cold face and evil smile.)

He got to know by recalling himself that she might got hurt by those thorn trees which she mentioned at that moment, or else hoe could she knows there is full of thorn trees at other way.

'Mr. Zhan! I'm Fine, It's just... Aaaaa!.'

By interrupting her in the middle, he drag her and make her to sit beside him on the examine bed where he was sitting.

She couldn't get what he was doing and said, 'What! what are you doing?'

'Calm down and sit quietly!' while checking on her wound.

'Nurse! Can you get some wound healing ointment?'

The nurse rush towards him with a ointment, where sati was blank. She got up from the bed suddenly and took the ointment from the nurse and said,

'Thank you madam nurse!'

'Mr. Zhan! I will apply this later once I reach home. Okay!' she tried to escape from the treatment where XZ want her wound to be heal at that time only.

He again drag her with the help of her hand and make her sit at the same spot and said, 'Miss Sati! It is not good to leave your wound empty, you might get infected. How about If I help you to apply it on?'

Sati felt awkward and burst with, 'No, no! I can help myself. Hehe, Thanks for your concern.'

He said with a mockery smile, 'That's like a good girl. Now apply it in front of me only.'


He raised his eyebrows and said, 'Yes! My lady.'

Sati stunned for a moment while staring at him.