Chapter 3

Suman, understanding the situation, ran and brought a glass of water. Surya ran towards Vaidya's house. Together they made Muniya's mother lie down on the bed. Everyone started sprinkling water, but the mother was not even aware. Muniya's younger sister Basanti, who was married, was in her in-laws' house. The rest of the brothers and sisters were standing around the mother. Everyone was trying to bring the mother to her senses. Vaidya had also come. He looked at Munia's mother's pulse.

"It has had a profound effect on his mind. Somebody has been deeply shocked"

Vaidya said.

He gave medicine to mother and told everyone:-

"The atmosphere should be kept calm and something should be done in front of them which will shock them or else they will go into coma."

He gave Munia's mother a sleep injection and left. The younger siblings could not even mourn the death of their sister. Everyone sat around the mother. The youngest brother was crying bitterly but kept his mouth pressed so that the mother's sleep would not be broken. The father was also sitting with another face hanging. There was silence all around. Then came the voice of the village kotwal,

"Pandit ji are you at home?"

When Munia's father got up and went out, he saw that the village sarpanch had come with the Kotwal. Pandit ji made both of them sit in the hall and started trying to ask tears. The Sarpanch while explaining to Panditji said:-

"Pandit ji, it is very sad to hear that those criminals must be punished, Pandit ji. The whole village is with you."

Pandit ji did not know that this thing has spread like fire in the whole village. Tears flowed from Pandit ji's eyes. With folded hands said,

"Sarpanch ji, I was robbed. I lost my daughter. I wish I had not left my daughter at her in-laws' house after hearing about Jamai Raja's illness, she would have been alive today. I am my daughter's killer."

Sarpanch said,

"Nobody's bus runs in front of the Creator, you and I are human beings. May God give peace to the girl's soul."

"How is Pandit ji's health now? Vaidyaji was met on the way. He told that Panditaine ji is in shock.

Panditji said:-

"He's still unconscious. The health will be known only after regaining consciousness.

Then the Sarpanch got up and said,

"Pandit ji, let us know if you need anything."

Saying this, Kotwal ji and Sarpanch ji left.

Pandit ji sat there in the hall and started thinking. He remembered sitting and how his uncle had told a relationship for his daughter. The boy was fine from Surat but was unemployed.

"What is the age now, will get a job." Thinking of this, I had said yes to the relationship.