The Standard Deck

I sit down and call the benign spiritual realm,

Please, angels, channel through me and grant me great wisdom,

I hold the power through my dowsing cards,

What will they reveal that freaks you out?


The humans will encounter my sorceress gifts,

Do their demons run when I chant and shift?

Here, I sit and call for the angels' help,


"Which card best represents the one that never pays for her help?"

My hand holds the card that best describes her stance,

Justice is revealed,

Now, she bleeds and screams like a worm that's failed.

"Which card best explains the ego and her pets?"

Chamuel pulls two cards which best explain these tests,

Seven of Cups and Death expose the troubles —

These pets hold unrealistic principles

While the illusion tricks their pedals,

Death drags behind them.

The debts will never lift

Forever are these peasants bewitched.


The ego is considered a fool,

Yet, why do her birds surround her like she's the perfect ghoul?

I still sit, pulling these cards,

Everything makes sense, now,

I, the High Priestess, hold the strongest army

These people possess nothing,

They cannot destroy my heaven

I refuse their commandment.


The Querent tells the tale,

"The High Priestess threatens the snail,

They follow behind the mother hen

Who hides them while quacking her achievements,

Off comes the head when you threaten her advancements.

These ducklings are fools,

They know the truth, yet still believe you're the one that spread the oil."

The Querent closes her scroll,

The oracle has spoken,

Does your hen think she can outshine the vocals?


No longer will the lovers let you conquer,

The Queen won't ever plummet down

Because the King holds her crown

The worms no longer try biting the chakra canal.


I understand the pension,

Silly humans and their divine intervention

These fiends think I'm the story's villain.

These beasts will no longer psychically attack me

I'll always settle the final victory,

Can you peasants pull tarot cards better than me?


Your mother hen now has rabbit feet,

She can no longer run; she hops slowly,

You're too small and weak to fight directly,

I'm the one that holds the ultimate witchery

And the energy that negates your debility

So, tell me, ducklings,

Can you practice divination better than me?


There's a card that flies right out,

The tower and its blazing fire cannot be put out,

All tyranny's begun,

Your kingdom is done.