My Future Husband

Sometimes I see this older man

That visits me as often as he can,

My angels know him and swear that he'll be my future husband.

I can see this man's face

Sometimes, he visits through astral city,

I can feel him touching me.


I wonder if he's only in my dreams,

The special reading said otherwise

I was once this man's wife,

Now, he is reliving and seeks me

Soon, we will meet,

He and I will marry.


Everything he said he was got confirmed,

His job, personality, and his looks

How scary the other side can be

This is why nothing can scare me.

There's nothing but love and light,

I can hear his voice addressing me right.


I feel this man near

Why do I have this fear?

Please, why must I be granted something that's so ludicrous?

Never did I think there would ever be a man that would seek me

I tell myself that it can't be all pure imagination

And my heart's confirming my suspicions.


Soon, my fruition shall come,

And I'll be rewarded this good luck —

Sometimes, I wish I could still be the loner,

My intuition tells me that something is coming

Oh no, it can't be

Is it the man that was sent to me?


Sometimes, I run

There's no way that man is my luck

What if I'm just daydreaming?

Why can't it just be me?

I sigh, I can't stop my reality

This man is really coming.