The Sorceress and Her Wrath

Some magician tried cursing me

He had placed a love spell on me,

Why don't men understand that no means no

And continue pursuing what's not true love?


I rejected this man and all broke loose

Wow, this sexist man,

This sexist man

Nothing he told me was the truth.


Because Eve's thorns no longer stab me

The magician's potions cannot exploit me,

He keeps pursuing his witchcraft

Why do men always find their way back?


The warlock views women as little cherries

He eats them, no longer are they juicy

You're nothing but a fool if you thought your hex would jerk,

My medication negates your work.


Since the antidote blocks this perv out

It freaked him out,

His panic hit me

Now, I understand the power I hold against humanity.


Imagine enchanting all men

Only because they don't use their heads,

This sorcerer's sacral chakra obsession permits,

He tries operating my senses.


He cannot get inside

Stop acting like such a parasite!

You use evil wizardry,

You cannot make someone love you when you direct sexually.


You ruined our relationship

And told yourself what could never exist,

You've lost all tries

What a challenging prize.


I've scarred your body

You don't affect me

The ego is a huge liar,

Its consciousness distorts the soul's empire.


I will continue blocking out your attacks

How dare you invade what shouldn't be attacked

I will strike every time you come back

I'm not the ladybug broach that you can jag.


I'm manifesting what is true

My warnings speak volumes

Don't underestimate my Indigo wrath

We fight dirty and enjoy what's daft.