Star Dweller

Lately it's been raining and thundering,

The lightening signifies human punishment,

I look and see the sky's cloudy and gray

Yet, the stars can be seen so array.

The little lights shine bright

There's so much they will reveal, tonight.


The stars love me,

I feel that they're calling me,

I call and they speak

Such a gentle voice that's very dreamy.

I repeat what they chant,

And use their energy


They're the main source that charges me.

The stars are so calm and beautiful

Yet carry so much power and peril,

They now fuel me as I feel their lightning adrenalize my body

The light now energizes my overall capacity.

Leo and Cancer watch me and are proud

These constellations reflect through my arms,

The lightning's energy makes me tingle,

The light source penetrates my muscles.


My original home remembers my name

The Indigo's clap when they hear my name,

The stars help assist my path

And are slowly powering my crafts,

The peasants cannot take a peek

As the box is locked and buried deep.