Chapter 555: Thin hope

After his shout, Perseus parried Paul's fist to the side. The latter was already charging his leg, aiming to start a flurry of blows that would not let Perseus even start to attack with his sword. However, Paul could not do that. He underestimated the speed of his opponent...

'No. I didn't miscalculate,' he thought as he gave up on trying to attack again. He realized that Perseus' sword was already halfway from his body. 'I just didn't imagine that his speed would be so overwhelming... But that's not a problem. It is damn fast, but I can dodge it. Then, I will just need to come with another attack!'

Paul proficiently moved to the side, seeing Harpe's blade passing near his body as a blur. However, the glimpse he had of that blur was already enough for him to avoid it.

'Now the atta-' his train of thought stopped once he noticed that there was something wrong. He was not feeling his feet on the ground anymore.