Chapter 32

Upon leaving Christopher and returning inside, Isobel found an audience awaiting her.

"So?" asked her mother.

"So what?" she repeated, being deliberately obtuse.

"What did you and Lucifer's son talk about?"

"This and that. Mostly about the fact that he's a lying dirtbag."

"Isobel!" Ah, that sweet, high note. It meant she'd achieved her goal of annoying her mother. "You didn't say that to him, I hope."

"I most certainly did. I only told the truth. This entire situation could have been avoided if he'd not freaked out because he had to get married to me before getting into my pants. And then, the jerk not only wouldn't marry me, but he was ready to marry someone else."

"He was marrying you."

"But he didn't know that at the time, did he?" Isobel sniffed.

"Is that why he came? To apologize?" asked her mother.