Chapter 47

The words acted as a catalyst, sending the scuttling demons and fluttering angels into battle.

Goshen, with an excited woof, joined the fray, and Isobel spent a moment shaking her head and watching.

Is this really happening?

Then again, why was she surprised? Life with Chris was a never-ending circle of sexual frustration and battle.

Kind of exciting actually. Never a dull moment with her fiancŽ. What she did have to concede as odd was the side she fought on.

While a Rasputin could never be said to belong to the classic side of good, Isobel never imagined one day she would face off against angels with demons by her side.

Then again, she never expected to fall in love with the Antichrist, a man destined to reshape the world and, one day, rule Hell.

With me as his queen.

So much had changed since she met Chris. All of it for the better, even if she once again had to draw her magical blade and defend herself.