Chapter 53: Hell's King


Chris - short for Christopher Lucius Baphomet - stared at the earth in front of the grave, the freshly turned soil barren of grass. He focused on the disturbed patch of dirt and tried to laser his gaze past it to the coffin a few feet below.

Rise, damn you.

He tried to find the thread that used to connect him to the dead. Looked for the cold tendril he'd taken for granted before. Hoped to see fingers poking through the ground, anything to prove that he'd not wasted his time making a handy-dandy Negan bat - which, for non-Walking Dead fans, was a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. It lay by his side, waiting to be baptized and given a name. Specially crafted for the next time the graveyard was overrun by zombies. Because it had happened before. Fun times.

The first zombie uprising was how he'd met his wife, Isobel - a hot babe. Together, they'd fought them off. Talk about a unique first date. He'd love to recreate that moment.