WebNovelThe Realm57.14%

Chapter 44

Terrence strode into his house, more of a mansion really what with all the rooms. He was still bemused by his meeting and subsequent rejection by the dark haired woman in the marketplace.

What a wild, spirited beauty! Lush curves - no bony hips on that frame - a full bosom a man could suffocate in and long, wild hair that looked like she'd just risen from bed. Porcelain skin, big beautiful eyes and full lips made for kissing. Not his usual type. He tended to prefer slim, petite blondes, yet he felt drawn to this chestnut haired lady, even with her prickly attitude. And he couldn't shake the feeling that he'd seen her before. Something about her seemed familiar somehow, although surely if he'd met her before he wouldn't have forgotten her. No, he definitely wouldn't have forgotten those curves that begged for his touch and that cool smile that he'd love to kiss off her face É