Chapter 34

"The Mecha gods would have you put metal parts above all else, even family. Yet, without love, without caring, what's the point?" - The Agnostic's Guide to the Mecha Bible

Wulff could see the battle in her gaze. Treasure or lover.

A long time ago, he'd made the wrong choice. Chose winning over affection, and he knew now with a clarity that came with experience that he'd hurt her. Helped turn Ursy into the prickly fighter she became. Taught her to put winning above friendship.

"Do what you have to," he said, resigned to his fate.

She tossed the knapsack - with a treasure large enough to retire several times over. He watched it sail past him to land in the lava, where it sank with a ghostly scream that made all the cogs in his body shiver.

Despite the loss of what amounted to more wealth than anyone could spend, his heart swelled as Ursy grabbed hold of his wrists and pulled. "Damn you for giving me that cookie," she mumbled, making no sense.