Chapter 38

Steal that seer. Zak uttered it with such nonchalance. Right then and there, Ray should have said no.

He'd not been comfortable with the idea of buying someone and using them. Relief had filled him when their original plan failed.

But Zak wasn't about to give up. "All we need is to get backstage and cause a distraction."

Ray hustled close to his friend's back and murmured, "This is not a good idea."

"You haven't even heard the details yet."

"I don't have to because this is doomed to fail."

Zak offered a grin that got him into trouble more times than he could count. "Have some faith. The Mecha Gods won't let us down."

The claim brought a groan. They were so screwed. Yet he still didn't leave Zak's side, not even when they approached the sealed door leading to a market employee-only section.