Chapter 62

Jool had been gone for ten days now. Ten days of not knowing if he lived.

Three days ago, the cough returned.

The tickle built in her lungs, but she did her best to ignore it, choosing instead to stare at the barrier of the mountains, a shawl clutched tight around her shoulders.

Ten days.

Had he even made it one night in that dangerous place?

She shouldn't have lied about the perils that existed. She'd made him think everything was dead in the hopes he'd stay.

But he left her anyway.

And she missed him so badly. Had nightmares about the things that lived in those mountains. Giant rats, ferocious felines, and then there were the unnatural things. Rumors claimed there existed monsters with glowing eyes.

So many things to kill a man who sometimes tripped over his own feet when distracted. How she loved him. She recalled their first meeting, his cravat askew, his gaze completely focused on a book. Until he saw her.