Chapter 66

Where am I? Within the jungle, where every tree had a cousin, brother, and mother that all looked alike, he could have been turning in circles and never known it.

It didn't help that Niimmo didn't seem too keen on helping. The man chose to follow rather than lead. As if Jool knew where to go.

He'd long ago given up on actually finding the spire. He'd been following his gut for a while now and had yet to see anything.

You're close. Take a look and see.

Just as he went to mouth how, he spotted a tree, gnarled with age, the branches thick and close together. Ideal for climbing. Jool dropped his pack and grabbed hold of a limb. He began to climb, higher and higher, refusing to look below him. Ignoring the fact there were laws forbidding climbing. Ladders and stairs all sported warnings about using them at your own risk. The use of elevators was recommended, even if they often broken down.