Chapter 21: A Time for Thanks, Part 1

"What's the matter with Seth?" Lesley whispered to Howie. The three of them were testing Katya's phase-one dongle in the main lab.

"I don't know; he's been acting withdrawn for a couple of days now. Why don't you go ask him, Longines?"

She walked over and tapped Seth on the shoulder. "May I have a word with you in private?"

They walked over toward a free address room. Coming right to the point, she asked, "What's wrong, Seth? We've all noticed that something's bothering you. Are the Callahans still angry with you?"

"Naw, that's not it," Seth answered. "In fact, they were very understanding, even though I'm still grounded."

"Then what is it? I'll be discreet, I promise. You just look like you could use a friend."

Seth made eye contact with her, and she was sure he was going to cry, but he didn't. "Minnie and I broke up." He looked down. "It happened this past weekend, right after Dawn's party."

"Oh, Seth, I'm so sorry. What happened?"