Chapter 50: Quitting Time, Part 4

National Time Research Center of Elgin

Two weeks later

Dawn was surrounded by her friends for support as she entered the last phase of her compatibility test. The computer had picked Katya Sevnik, Howard Miller, and the two new girls who were not pilgrims yet: a young girl who only went by the name of Centehua and Cathy Callahan.

Centehua was the newest employee of National. She was only sixteen years old and had been discovered by Louie at a religious retreat. The retreat combined a Cursillo from the mostly Spanish-language church of Saint Joseph's with an English retreat sponsored by Saint Mary's. The purpose was to learn about each other's cultures from the two East Side parishes. They were only separated by a couple of city blocks, although they were worlds apart culturally. Louie had befriended Centehua and discovered that she had a strong gift for time travel. Dawn wasn't too happy about the friendship, but Louie swore it was only about time travel.