Chapter 92: City to Watch, Part 2

The room's display unit beeped to indicate a message from the reception desk was coming in. Louie answered it and brought up Katie Barclay's face.

"Good morning," Katie greeted. "Centehua, you have April Jaeger here to see you."

"April, wow...okay, Mrs. Barclay, I'll be right up."

Centehua walked to the front entrance where April was waiting. She beamed when she saw Centehua.

"April, why are you here?"

"I'm on spring break. My dad went to Waltham for Cheryl, and I got bored and knackered from cleaning the apartment. Can we go to lunch together?"

"Well, I'm not eating lunch today, but I'll go with you to have an RC cola or something," suggested Centehua.

"RC is so RC, as the advert says," replied April.

"But it's not time for lunch yet," Centehua added. "You will have to wait here unless the Callahans let you in."

"I don't want them to see me; I'll hang outside for an hour. It's a beautiful day today."