I stared at him a moment or two before finally joining in on his laughter. Benjamin apparently had caught sight of Craig stitching me up and had found that worse than the blood earlier. I caught my breath as best I could and explained to Julia what had happened which prompted a loud belly laugh from the other end of the phone. I told her I would call her back as soon as we got situated.
Craig dragged him into the room before quickly finishing suturing my leg closed and wrapped it up. He reached into a drawer and pulled out a thing of smelling salts then promptly woke Benjamin up from his little nap.
Benjamin jerked up and yelled, “don’t call me Benny!”
“Well, if I hadn’t you might have been mistaken for a zombie!” I shouted back but could not hold the angry look at his owlishly big blinking eyes.
“What?!” he shouted jumping up.
He looked around as if his body were placed elsewhere and he might truly be a zombie in disguise.