Chapter 43

“Okay everyone’s down for the night and I’ve got most of the unnecessary things shut down. Just checked on the babies and they are all doing well. I’m shocked at how well the preemie is doing. He’s been getting better and better ever since Vicki did her thing with him,” Louis said. I cringed remembering the weird light that had healed Tommy while I had held him. I had hoped, in vain obviously, that Louis would forget that moment. But he was proving to be a stubborn witness. I made a mental note to ask Avamarie about that damn stone she had given me.

“Oh, Uncle Louis, are you still going on and on about Vicki healing the baby with her necklace? I told you it’s nothing but a black stone,” Julia said shaking her head at him.

“I’m telling you it’s the truth and when Vicki wakes up, I’ll prove it to you,” he said just as stubbornly.

This must have become a normal argument because Julia just shook her head and let it go.

“So, everything is shut off?” she repeated.