Chapter 98

We finally hit the edge of town two hours later. From there it was easy to see that this end of the freeway was no clearer than the other. I sighed heavily.

“This just doesn’t get any easier, does it?” I asked rhetorically.

As I expected no answer came, human or metaphysical. I just shook my head and continued forward with Marcus and Johnny practically glued to my sides. I lifted my arm around their shoulders not really caring that their shorter legs were slowing me down. They seemed as unwilling to let me out of their sight as I was to let them out of mine.

Out of habit I glanced behind me to see where everyone was. Cynthia was meandering along behind watching our backs; although to be honest it looked like she was more muttering to herself than keeping a look out. Arm in arm Erin and Benjamin were walking together speaking to each other softly. It was a bittersweet sight that caused my heart to twist as images of Darren and I doing the same thing flittered through my brain.