We waited until we were far away from the shore before beginning to bombard Gerard with questions.
“How did you find us?” Was mine.
“Why did you come back?” Benny asked viciously.
Gerard raised an eyebrow at him.
“You’re welcome,” he replied sarcastically. “Something told me that you guys needed me. So, I found the nearest non-crushed rig and following the carnage. You guys left a lot of banged up rigs behind.”
He gave a short chuckle as if he could see the image of the wreckage in his head.
“Where is everyone else?” he asked changing the subject abruptly.
Benjamin and I looked at each other hoping the other would tell the story not wanting to verbally rehash it. I couldn’t think of Marcus laying tied to that bed thrashing around reaching for someone to try an ease the hunger inside of him. Just the thought of not wanting to think of it brought the image to mind and my breath left my body in a whoosh as if I had been struck in the gut.