“You had everything inside you to make it here. And look you did,” she finished with glee.
Her reasoning’s were horrifyingly simple, terrifyingly easy. She used me plain and true, and I had made it so easy for her to manipulate me.
“If you hadn’t meant for me to save the world, then why did you give me this stone that would save me and keep me safe?” I asked angrily throwing the shards from the stone at her feet.
She bent over slowly and picked them up petting them tenderly as if they were the sweetest flower, she had ever seen. She looked down at them with a strange curiosity that held a tinge of regret in her eyes.
“I gave it to you so that you could bring it back here. I knew Mother would never give me this stone and it was the last piece I needed to complete the spell. A pure soul for sacrifice,” she said softly.