Chapter 10



Bradley called Kels and begged her to go to dinner with him and talk. She had been ignoring his calls all day, and they had been coming in about every thirty minutes for hours. She'd finally picked up and told him to come get her at six.

Dawn starts to protest, but Kels just holds up her hand.

"I have to face it eventually, and it might as well be tonight. I am not stupid, Dawn. I know when I'm being lied to, but I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I haven't decided if I can or will forgive him. Whichever I choose though, you will have to accept it and do the same."

Dawn groans and walks over to tightly squeeze her best friend. "I'll follow your lead on this one even if I don't like your choice. But, if I accidentally kick him in the balls as we pass in the hall one morning, you will have to accept it and move on as well."

I can see Kelsey's shoulders shaking with laughter, and I know, whatever she decides, they will be just fine. I really hope she walks away now. I can tell Dawn doesn't trust him anymore, and if she were honest with herself, Kelsey probably doesn't either. In my experience, your friends are usually a better judge than you are when blinded by your feelings, and the longer you wait, the harder it is to let go. Trust is something we give pretty freely, but once someone destroys it, it takes an act of God to repair.

I talk Dawn into getting out of the apartment, so she won't be tempted to do her kicking-balls-in-the-hall trick when Bradley comes to pick Kels up. She accompanies me to the country club, so I can check out the lay of the land.

It is a beautiful club. A bit larger than the one we are members of in New York. It has a couple of enormous and elegant ballrooms for events, a restaurant, a full bar, large outdoor patio space with options for dining, his and her locker rooms for members, an indoor pool, two outdoor pools, four tennis courts, and an impressive golf clubhouse, pro shop, and pristine golf course.

Everything the upper echelon of greater Los Angeles could want in a club.

I find my employee locker and pick up the parking pass for my assigned space. Then, we grab dinner. I can't wait to get started tomorrow night. It has been a while since I lost myself in any good physical activity, and this is the perfect way to get back at it. Being paid to do so.

"Are there any famous members here-you know, like movie stars?" I ask.

"A few." She shrugs. "To be honest, if they are famous enough for you to know who they are, then they probably have all the amenities this place has to offer at their own home."

"Makes sense."

"You aren't one of those creepy celebrity stalkers, are you?" she asks with wide eyes.

"No." I throw a grape at her. "Unless we are talking Jason Momoa because I'd climb that man like a tree. I wouldn't even mind paying the bail money."

"TouchŽ," she agrees, and we clink our wine glasses.

* * *

As we are leaving, we are stopped by a guy who obviously knows Dawn.

I learned on our way over that Dawn and her parents have been members of the club for as long as she can remember, and apparently, so are Kelsey and her mom and Uncle Matt and Daniel.

Great, just my luck that I get to work for them.

Not really. Kelsey's mom is the only one who has any interest in tennis, but the point is, I will be wearing an employee name tag, and they will be wearing swimsuits and lounging by the pool. It's crazy how the tides in your life can switch directions so drastically. Luckily, I'm sure my friends will never make me feel beneath them in any way. Besides, Daniel worked at the club as a lifeguard for a few summers when he was in high school to earn extra cash. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

"Hey, Jake. This is our new roommate, Brie. She is the club's newest tennis instructor, so we came by to let her get a look around before she gets started tomorrow after class. Brie, this is Jacob Mason. He is the son of Oscar Mason, the producer, who happens to be the president of the club's board."

Jake takes my hand. "It is very nice to meet you, Brie. Good to see that Cloniger is hiring a few people in our age group to liven the old, stuffy place up a bit."

He smiles a brilliant smile at me, and I have to admit, I'm dazzled for a moment. He has a chiseled jawline and sky-blue eyes. His hair is golden with streaks of light blond that I'm sure have come from the sun and not the salon. He is tall with broad shoulders, and he is in fantastic shape. Courtesy of the racket I see in his left hand I am sure.

"Maybe I should take a lesson or two once you get settled. I'm a racquetball man myself, but some time on the tennis court could only improve my game."

I find myself liking that idea very much, which is dangerous.

"Sure thing," is the only reply I can manage as I turn to Dawn. "Let's go. I think we should check in on Kels."

"Yes, ma'am. See you later, Jake. You behave yourself."

"I always do."

"Sure you do."

We say our good-byes and head back to Santa Monica. On the drive back, I silently berate myself. I will not be sidetracked by a single smile.

When we arrive at the apartment, we find Kelsey and Bradley on the couch, watching a movie. I guess the talk went in his favor after all. I sure hope she knows what she is doing. Dawn is not in a very accepting mood at the moment, so after a few niceties are exchanged, she excuses herself to her room to study. Not her usual Sunday evening activity. I open a bottle of Sancerre and settle in to finish watching the movie. I figure Kelsey needs the backup, and honestly, as much as I hoped it would go the other way, who am I to judge anyone for the relationship choices they make? I just hope that Bradley uses this opportunity to get himself in check. Sometimes, the possibility of losing something you love can kick your balls into your throat as easily as a pissed-off roommate's foot. After the movie is over, I gather our empty glasses and head to the kitchen. Kelsey follows me, out of Bradley's earshot.

"I guess Dawn is pissed at me now. I was expecting it, but I figured she would just give us both some shit and then sit down and get over it."

I can see the unease etched on her face, and I assume that she and Dawn probably don't have disagreements very often.

"I don't think she's so much pissed off as she is worried. Well, at least, not pissed at you. She doesn't want you to get hurt. That's what true friends do. They worry when they think you are going down the wrong road, and truthfully, that is what you want in a friend. One who cares that much about your happiness because, if they don't, then you end up with a friend like Tonya. I wouldn't worry. You guys are going to be fine, and as long as that man of yours keeps whatever promises he made to you tonight, they will be fine, too. He'll have to prove it to her, but after a while, she'll forgive him if you forgive him."

She smiles a relieved smile. "Thanks, Brie. I think you have gotten to know us all pretty well in the few weeks you have been here. We sure are lucky you needed a place to stay. A sane voice of reason is nice to have around."

She returns to Bradley, and the pair of them head off to bed. She is wrong; I am far from the voice of reason. I'm usually the one making the wrong choices. Isn't it funny how we are all so wise when dispensing advice to our friends and all shit at taking it when we are the ones in need of it?