Chapter 14



"This baby is the cutest thing I have ever seen." Dawn has Cassian raised in the air above her, cooing at him.

"Be careful. He just had a bottle. He is going to spew all over you if you keep shaking him up." The words barely leave my mouth before he projectile vomits formula all over her face.

"Oh my God, I think some went into my mouth."

Kelsey and I are both howling with laughter as I claim the baby from her, and she runs to the bathroom, gagging.

"Oh, a little bit of baby spit-up isn't going to kill you," I shout through my laughter.

The girls have fallen as hard for him as I have. His chubby little legs and arms and his angelic face just melt us into a puddle. Thank goodness he is a very chill baby, too. I'm able to take him with me just about everywhere with ease, which means I'm able to spend more time with him. He even lets me study without complaint. He just lies there, playing with his toes, unless he is wet or hungry.